The Office of Family Programs is the best place for everything related to families. In the following tabs, you will find information regarding Tulane's recruitment and intake processes. Please keep in mind it is your student's responsibility to complete all requirements.
Fraternities & Sororities: What Do Parents and Families Need to Know? – video and slides
All requirements can be found here.
Interfraternity Council Recruitment
- Registration cost: $60
- Students should complete registration at tulaneifc.mycampusdirector2.com.
- Registration will open Thursday, August 31st.
- Parents are not to complete this for their student; Registration contains a Grade Release Agreement only students can sign.
- Chapters host individual recruitment events and participate in IFC sponsored events throughout the fall. Attendance is optional but strongly encouraged.
- Membership invitations (bids) will be issued in February 2024.
Multicultural and National Pan-Hellenic Council Fraternity and Sorority Membership Intake
- Each organization sets its own schedule in consultation with graduate advisors.
- No registration process
- Intake meetings happen over a few weekends in the spring.
- Dates are approved and publicized by Fraternity & Sorority Programs once they are set.
Panhellenic Council Recruitment
- Registration cost: $60
- Students should complete registration at tulanepanhellenic.mycampusdirector2.com.
- Registration will open Thursday, August 31st.
- Parents are not to complete this for their student; Registration contains a Grade Release Agreement only students can sign.
Costs can vary greatly by chapter, but it is important to educate yourself on the cost to join a group before you commit, as most groups require a commitment of at least one full semester once you accept a bid. The recruitment and intake processes offer a great opportunity to ask questions about financial obligations.
Dues go toward (Inter)National fees, chapter operating costs, and social functions. New members should expect to pay higher dues their first semester due to initiation fees. There also may be additional costs throughout the year for event photos, extra t-shirts, and other fees.
Interfraternity Council Fraternities
- $600-$1,800 per semester
- Plus $25 Greek Fee without a chapter facility
- Plus $45 Greek Fee with a chapter facility
Multicultural and National Pan-Hellenic Council Fraternities and Sororities
- $300-$500 per year
- Some include a $750-$2,500 one-time fee in the first semester
- Plus $15 Greek Fee
Panhellenic Sororities
- $650-$800 per semester
- Plus $200-$400 one-time fee in the first semester
- Plus $20 Greek Fee
As a general rule, a legacy is the child, sibling, or grandchild of an initiated member in good standing of a particular Greek organization. Some groups include more distant family members (cousins, nieces/nephews, etc.), and many include step-family members.
Most fraternities and sororities give some special consideration to legacies. However, having a legacy relationship to an organization in no way guarantees an invitation to membership. The fit between the chapter members and the potential member is the most important factor in determining whether an organization will invite someone to join.
Unlike on some campuses where recommendations from alumni members are essential, most Tulane fraternities and sororities do not require recommendations. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.; and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. are the only organizations that require recommendations. Students are welcome to ask close friends or family members to write recommendations for them for other organizations, but they will generally be fine without them. Recommendations in no way guarantee invitations to membership.
Panhellenic Recruitment Attire
Many students wonder what they should wear during Panhellenic Recruitment. There is no need to buy new clothes for recruitment; your daughter should already own everything she needs. The most important article of clothing for recruitment is comfortable shoes, because the potential new members walk from place to place and stand for most recruitment events.
- Recruitment Kickoff: Casual (workout clothes, jeans, anything comfortable)
- Open House Round: Business casual (skirt or nice pants, nice top or sweater, boots/flats)
- Philanthropy Round: Recruitment t-shirt (distributed at Kickoff) with jeans/leggings, boots/flats
- Sisterhood Round: Business formal (casual dress or dressy skirt/pants and top, dressy shoes)
- Preference Round: Cocktail (dress, heels)
- Bid Day: Casual (jeans and lightweight top; students will receive a t-shirt from their new sorority)