As scholarly pursuits are the foundation of college life, fraternities and sororities at Tulane recognize the importance of academics. The governing councils require a minimum grade point average of 2.5 to participate in recruitment and intake events and students must have completed at least 12 hours as well.
Many individual organizations have higher minimum grade requirements for joining and initiation. It is important to understand that if your grade point average is much lower than the average chapter requirements, your chances of joining will be reduced. Likewise, if students become new members and are initiated, they must maintain a certain minimum academic performance to remain in good standing.
Tulane Greeks want their members to do well in school, and there are programs in place to help. Chapters have study hall hours to assist in time management in addition to tutoring programs which create an environment in which students can excel. Many chapters also hold academic success sessions and seminars to support their members' academic efforts. Some individual and national organizations offer scholarships to chosen members.
Greek-letter organizations were founded on the principle of successful scholarship. The academic performance of each chapter is tabulated every semester to determine overall chapter rankings.
Grade Reports
Please contact greek@tulane.edu for all inquiries about grades for Greek Organizations.